The holiday meeting of the members of PSCF was held on December 12, 2015. Included in the agenda was a show and tell event. Artist Richard Colvin, Director of the Lake Eustis Museum of Art, critiqued members' paintings with an eye toward the positive. Everyone enjoyed his critiques and believes that his encouragement will help us all improve our techniques. He encouraged us to observe everything in the subject and really see what is there rather than what is your thought about what is there, i.e., are the rocks really just gray? He also reminded us that the one thing that is most important in improving our art is to continually practice drawing.
Following the show and tell, members enjoyed a buffet of treats brought in by members while checking out the three tables making up the rest of the holiday event. The three tables included one with art-related items for sale, the second was art-related items that were available for give-away, and finally there was a wrapped gift exchange where those that brought a gift could receive a gift.